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It Takes A Village..... “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

― Mother Teresa



       In the early 1950's, 60's & 70's, after the depression, people were migrating from the south coming to California (The land of milk and honey as it seemed). Most of these people were poor and had to leave their families behind until they could set down roots.


       So with their hopes and dreams in a single suitcase or duffle-bag they found refuge in large homes of people who came years before them and understood the need. After a long weeks work and a lot of frustrating planning, Sunday dinners were the norm in these homes, everyone gathered at the table while the strong smell of collard greens, corn bread and peach cobbler made you dizzy in the head with hunger.

There seemed to always be a big woman with an apron on that made you wonder if she ever took it off. This woman would make you feel at home like one of her own family. She always had advice about your issues that made you wonder if she had a crystal ball and you always left her site feeling like all was "right" with your world.


       Ideally the same feeling is taking place in most people when they come out of a drug program, prison or jail. They are excited but petrified, insecure and alone.


       So myself and a cauldron of people, some which had that same experience decided to create a Multi-Purpose Crisis Resource Center, plus additional vocational training. The goal is that we could address a lot of issues people are having with "the "mother hen" affect to help more people stay on a solid ground of success.


       We re-located from San Mateo County to Contra Costa County in 2015 and currently offer multi-crisis resources and transitional housing. We currently do not operate our vocational training program but look forward to developing it again in the future. Thanks for coming and I hope you will enjoy the rest of our website.



Where The Dream Came From

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